Design by Professionals
for Professionals

On the following pages you will find examples of products designed and produced in close cooporation wit our clients.

We work closely with our clients and take the time to understand our customer’s workwear requirements and try to get to know the environment in which the work clothing will be worn and the tasks people will be expected to perform whilst wearing our workwear garments.  We first discuss the client’s needs and requirements and work to devise a specification that works best for them. Our design team can work from samples, sketches, photographs or descriptions. Our entire range of workwear garments can be decorated with company logos using one of three methods, embroidery, screen printing or transfer printing.  

All products manufactured by SIA Tradewear respond EU quality standards and withstand industrial wash.

We use only high quality fabrics and manufacturing equipment of well-known European suppliers that have earned recognition and excellent reputation throughout the world.